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Monday, September 23, 2024

Biden-Harris: Special Interests Over Seniors

 I’ve always been a fiscal conservative who was never afraid to reach across the aisle. As governor of Wisconsin, I listened, compromised, and did what was necessary to unify Wisconsin all while working with a Democratic legislature to pass meaningful legislation. And my record proves that not only was I successful at championing conservative policies, but I was also effective at achieving bipartisan results.

I tend to call it like it is, and at a time where there is a lot being said on both sides of the aisle about unions across the country – it’s important to note that many public sector unions are inherently good. I worked closely with many of them and formed positive relationships that proved to be beneficial to the working men and women of Wisconsin.

Many of these unions are made up of everyday Americans just like you and me – they are the neighbor that lives right across the street, the firefighter that works just down the road, the police officer that keeps our families and communities safe, or even the teacher that is with our children Monday thru Friday every week. What they all have in common, though, is that they provide the basic government services that we as Americans depend on and benefit from.

The unfortunate reality is that some of these public sector unions have gone a bit too far and strayed from the path. While the average American unionizes to seek equal treatment, better pay, stable hours, and improved working conditions so they can provide for themselves and their families – it’s become increasingly clear that, in some cases, the interests of union leadership have caused unions to drift from their purpose.

When unions lose touch with common sense and reality, and become more focused on pushing an agenda that is unrelated to their original intentions, the result is everyday workers, hardworking taxpayers, and American families pay the price.

One of the most recent examples of this phenomenon and its influence on how Americans perceive unions can be seen with the Biden-Harris Administration’s forced unionization of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) hotline. This unquestionably hurts senior citizens across America.

Less than two years into a ten-year contract – with a provider that receives a ninety-five percent customer satisfaction rating from seniors needing help with Medicare issues – Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are now demanding the contract with Maximus be re-bid.

This decision will force 10,000 call center workers into a union against their wishes. 

It will require federal contractors to enter into Labor Harmony Agreements, negotiated with union leadership, not the already satisfied employees, working under the previously agreed to contract. Will this benefit the already employed and satisfied 10,000 employees providing great service to seniors? Or, more likely other interests, their executives, their bottom line, their political interests, and the power of their elected benefactors? 

The final result? For seniors needing help with Medicare assistance - the purpose for the contract and the service in the first place - it will mean increased wait times, quality of service and information issues, a culture of less responsiveness to patients and their advocates, and the general disruption of the intended goals of Medicare call centers – all at the expense of senior citizens, to the great financial benefit of union organizers and their political enablers.

When unions stray from their original objectives, lose sight of what they are fighting for, and become vehicles for partisan political objectives, everyone loses.

Now more than ever, it is important that each one of us does our part to find common ground, call out corruption when we see it, and work together to create a better future for every American – including calling out this administration for their political moves that aim to put the interests of powerful special interests ahead of working class Americans.

Tommy Thompson served as the 42nd governor of Wisconsin and 19th Secretary of the Health and Human Services.

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