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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

About whom is Trump speaking when he references the enemy from within?

 by Jack Hellner

The media is having a collective cow over the fact that President Trump said he worries about the “enemies from within” who will pay a price for what they’ve done to this great nation.

Only those with a guilty conscience would take offense at this!

He is clearly talking about bureaucrats, politicians, and any other progressive operative who is so consumed with political power that they will lie, cheat, and seek to destroy anyone who gets in their way. The truth clearly doesn’t matter to these people. 

Here is a sample of people who Trump refers to as the enemies from within:

People who say they want to remake (destroy) America.

Politicians who take an oath to enforce all laws yet refuse to enforce immigration laws, and appointed bureaucrats who neglect their post and duties.

All the lawless sanctuary cities and states that incentivize illegal immigration and refuse to cooperate with ICE, and officials in the federal government who don’t care.

All the people who pretend that dangerous criminal gangs from Venezuela and other places are not really a problem; people in government who think citizens’ safety is irrelevant.

Antony Blinken, 51 intelligence officials, and the DOJ staff who were willing to lie to intentionally hide the Biden family corruption from the American people. They clearly didn't care about a free and fair election.

Politicians who used IRS bureaucrats to target and silence political opponents, and all the people at the DOJ who didn’t care about the abuse of power.

All the bureaucrats at the DOJ who were willing to lie to the FISA court so they could illegally spy on their political opponents, and all the bureaucrats who stayed silent on this pure corruption.

All the bureaucrats who destroyed children, businesses, and others with lies about COVID while claiming to be promoting science. How many children were permanently harmed and how many committed suicide because of these power-hungry bureaucrats?

All the people who blocked investigations into China and the Wuhan lab as the origin of COVID by falsely calling it a disproven conspiracy.

All the politicians and bureaucrats who think Israel and Jews should cease to exist and support terrorists who kidnap, rape, and muderer Israeli citizens.

Politicians, like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, who enriched themselves and their families with kickbacks from around the world in pay-to-play schemes.

All the bureaucrats who knew about the corruption of the Clintons and Bidens and covered it up.

All the bureaucrats and politicians who have politicized the Justice department to target President Trump and his supporters for eight years running.

Politicians and bureaucrats who willingly destroy reasonably priced energy based on theories, instead of scientific data, in order to give massive kickbacks to green pushers.

Never-Trumpers who seek to scare the public with outright lies, like those at the Lincoln Project:

Former Romney Strategist Warns Republicans Might ‘Burn Down’ Election Centers to Stop Black Votes

Stuart Stevens of the Lincoln Project, a former campaign strategist for Mitt Romney's presidential run in 2012, suggests Republicans could "burn down" election centers in an effort to disenfranchise black voters.

Politicians who won’t vote for the SAFE Act because they clearly want illegals to vote. 

Democrats, including those at the “impartial” Justice Department, who have treated Trump and his supporters as domestic enemies as they call them an existential threat to democracy and America’s survival, and target them for destruction.

Does that help?

The media and other Democrats ask endlessly if Republicans will accept the election as fair, but don’t admit that they have challenged elections for years and somehow escape being labeled as threats to democracy and election deniers. From Breitbart News yesterday:

Kamala Harris Casts Doubt on Whether Election Will Be ‘Free and Fair’

Harris has not yet answered if she would support certifying a Trump victory, although she has been highly critical of Republicans who objected to President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020.

The failure to commit to certifying the election would prove many members to be hypocrites, including House Oversight Committee ranking member and former January 6 committee member Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who told Axios that he is unsure if he’ll certify a Trump win.

The founding fathers gave the media great powers in the first amendment to hold the powerful to account. Sadly, most of the media protects powerful Democrats while they target Republicans with endless lies and cover-ups.

They still lie about Russian collusion.

They lied about the Hunter laptop being Russian disinformation.

They covered up Biden’s incompetence and corruption for years.

They pretend that gangs taking over apartments is a fictional conspiracy before minimizing it as “only a handful.”

They cover up Kamala’s alleged plagiarism. They don’t care about accusations of violence and abuse against her husband any more than they cared about all the women abused by Bill and Hillary.

They report that any criticism of the Biden-Harris Hurricane Helene response is disinformation while they endlessly trashed George W. Bush and FEMA for Katrina.

ABC and CNN ran debates that were one sided, CBS edited Kamala’s interview to hide her incompetence, and NBC pretends that Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes is no problem.

The examples are endless. Most supposed news reporting are just Democrat talking points as they campaign.

The swamp needs to be drained to save America.

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