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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kamala’s newest lie: Trump will send the army after you

Vice President Kamala Harris sure lies a lot. I’m not just talking about pretending she hasn’t been the co-pilot of the Biden administration’s inflation and the border invasion, but about everything. She’s got a plan to fix all the problems she helped cause — but she won’t implement them unless she wins in November.

There is hardly an issue where she hasn’t insincerely changed her position to get ahead, just as there is hardly a biographical detail about her running-mate that hasn’t been embellished or fabricated. But Harris’s lies about Donald Trump are the worst of all.

Before we get to the latest whopper, it’s important to acknowledge how lies flourish. They need fertile media ground in which to grow.

If you consume progressive corporate media or roll in left-wing activist circles, you may notice that you’re seeing less and less of Trump, or at least hearing less of him in his own words. At best, they run B-roll of Trump rallies while left-wing pundits describe the events.

You’re much more likely to hear a cast member of “Morning Joe” paraphrase the “very fine people on both sides” hoax about Charlottesville, for example, than you are to see the actual clip of what he said. To show it would lead to questions related to truth and honesty that the Democratic Party establishment cannot answer.

There’s a reason MSNBC does not play more than a few seconds of any given Donald Trump speech or interview. It’s not that they’re so very concerned about their “journalistic integrity,” as people like Rachel Maddow would have you believe. It has to do with context and manipulation, since without the proper or complete context, anything can be manipulated. Left-wing hosts would rather tell you the gist of what Trump said than show you, because showing people might lead to questions of context or why they cut the clip so short. 

To play the clips of Trump talking about Charlottesville could lead viewers into discovering how Trump said, “And I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” Once that lie is uncovered, the whole gig is up. 

So now we have another lie: the “enemy within” lie. This is a 33-second clip of an interview Trump did with Maria Bartiromo. It started circulating Monday in left-wing circles with the claim that, were he reelected, he would consider using the military against his political opponents. 

Sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? Democrats inside and outside of media pretended to be horrified and ran with it, because it was too good to ignore.

But there was a problem, and I’m not just talking about the fact that the current Democratic president has made allusions to using fighter jets against American civilians, and that Democratic members of Congress have even discussed using nuclear weapons.

I’m talking about this: What they show is less than half of a clip where the context is crystal clear. Trump was asked about Election Day violence, which Democrats are warning about. He raised the issue of the violent left-wing antifa rioters who have been involved in frequent violence and property destruction ever since the Black Lives Matter riots. Whether they are intimidating Jewish students on college campuses or setting buildings on fire, the usual leftist suspects reliably show up, masks up and unshowered, ready to take out their suppressed childhood disappointments on people simply trying to go about their lives. 

That Kamala Harris has to lie about this tells you a lot. Her appeal to voters has been running on empty for weeks. There are only so many times you can claim that it’s “Middle Class” to be raised by two tenured professors at major universities while living in wealthy neighborhoods. Even Saturday Night Live is already mocking it.

Watch the whole video of what Trump actually said, I dare you. See if you come away with what Kamala Harris is telling supporters in Pennsylvania.

If you’re honest, you can’t. If you’re not, well, she likely already has your vote.

Derek Hunter is host of the Derek Hunter Podcast and a former staffer for the late Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.).

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