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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Jumaane Williams, next in line for NYC mayor, got funds from donor feds flagged in Adams case

 Public Advocate Jumaane Williams — who is next in line to become mayor if Eric Adams resigns — received campaign contributions from a contractor accused by the feds of setting up illegal straw donations to Hizzoner, records show.

Williams received $5,000 in donations from Tolib Mansurov — an Uzbek American businessman who is identified as “Businessman-4” in the historic indictment against the mayor — and two of his employees, the Wall Street Journal first reported.

New York City Public Advocate Jumaane speaks during a debate.
New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams speaks during a debate.Getty Images

The indictment states Mansurov illegally reimbursed $8,000 total to employees who donated to Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign, in addition to directly contributing $2,000 himself.

A spokesman for Williams said Mansurov’s donations to the public advocate will be reviewed, the Wall Street Journal report states.

Williams and his staff didn’t immediately return The Post’s requests for comment.

Campaign finance records show Williams received a $2,100 donation on Jan. 24 from Mansurov.

The same day, two employees at his United Elite Group contractor and construction management company donated $2,100 and $800, respectively, according to the records.

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