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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Are Tesla Terrorists Using Far-Left NGO To Conceal Identity?

 The mysterious "DOGEQUEST" website (now displaying: "This site can't be reached") had published a searchable map containing the alleged names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of Tesla owners across the United States. This website was operational at a time when deranged leftists firebombed Tesla vehicles, the most recent terror attack taking place at a Tesla service center in Las Vegas on Tuesday morning.

Although the accuracy of all the data posted on DOGEQUEST remains uncertain, 404 Media confirmed that some of the names listed are indeed Tesla owners or supporters of Tesla and Elon Musk. We've seen it before: deranged leftists are obsessed with making and publishing 'kill lists' of their political enemies...

The focus of this note examines groups that may be connected to DOGEQUEST's creation by one, two, or even three degrees of separation, suggesting that their mission may have been to support—whether directly or indirectly, such as through the creation of a website and a map of Tesla locations—domestic terrorists targeting Tesla service centers, Supercharging networks, and individual Tesla owners.

DOGEQUEST—now offline, displaying the message "This site can't be reached"—another critical clue that offers insight into the potential bad actors behind the website's creation, which ultimately sought to inflict harm on an American company.

See the "Is DOGEQUEST a protest platform?" section in the screenshot of the website. There is a sentence that reads: "Before you embark on any adventure, we highly recommend checking out the No Trace Project." 

This does not imply or suggest a direct connection; it is only that DOGEQUEST directs users to the No Trace Project to help conceal their identity.

Clicking on the link, which routes to No Trace Project's website. The site proudly states on the top: 

"No trace, no case. A collection of tools to help anarchists and other rebels understand the capabilities of their enemies, undermine surveillance efforts, and ultimately act without getting caught."

Scrolling to the lower section of No Trace Project's website, the "Newsletter" section reads, "Irregular news of the project, multilingual as much as possible, maximum one email per month." It directs users to subscribe to a newsletter hosted by a Washington State non-profit called "Riseup Networks." 

Riseup describes itself as an "autonomous body based in Seattle" that "provides communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression."

The non-profit's Wikipedia page states the non-profit located in downtown Seattle supports "various social justice causes and opposition to capitalism." So Marxist.

Public records from Washington State show Riseup Networks is a non-profit focused on "Technological assistance towards social justice."

On Riseup's "Donate" section, information reveals that the non-profit has a "sister organization, Riseup Labs."


We, more than anyone, support anonymous dissent. However, there is a clear distinction between anonymous freedom of speech and using anonymity to conceal one’s identity for domestic terrorism. Moreover, far-left activists have demonstrated a high level of organization here, and have done in the past... Remember Robert Creamer

CC Doge Team.

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