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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

CBS: Biden dispatches immigration officials to foreign nations to assist migrants claiming ‘asylum’

 How soon until the U.S. has an immigration processing station in every third world hellscape? With Democrats running the show, it’s only a matter of time.

“Using State Department funds,” the Joe Biden administration will now assist Panama in building up its “deportation infrastructure.” That’s the story, according to Camilo Montoya-Galvez at CBS News, who reported on a new bilateral agreement signed Monday between the Bidenites and the administration of the new Panamanian president, José Raúl Mulino. From Montoya-Galvez:

Under the joint initiative, U.S. immigration officials will train and provide assistance to Panamanian authorities to help them carry out more deportations of migrants heading north. In recent years, Panama has reported record numbers of crossings along the roadless Darién jungle, including over half a million in 2023 alone.

The Department of Homeland Security will be dispatching officials who have experience screening asylum claims and deporting migrants to Panama so they can assist their Panamanian counterparts on the ground. Using State Department funds, the U.S. will also help Panama build up its deportation infrastructure.

Never mind using State Department funds, aka American taxpayer dollars and debt, to build up the deportation infrastructure here where we need it as our nation crumbles under the disaster brought by Joe Biden’s mass migration scheme, Biden’s staff think the best course of action is, at least ostensibly, to assist Panama in processing all the migrants flowing through the Darien Gap. 

What’s interesting though is that Montoya-Galvez reported that the DHS officials who are being dispatched to Panama aren’t just seasoned deportation officials, but include “asylum officers” who will assist their Panamanian “counterparts” in determining which migrants meet the eligibility criteria.

But...what comes after that? Well, Montoya-Galvez didn’t say, but the obvious implication is that these “asylum-criteria-eligible” migrants will be permitted to continue on their journey north, presumably cruising right on through our ports of entry with their U.S. paperwork in hand. It’s not like these migrants are seeking asylum in Panama, because Panama doesn’t hand out debit cards loaded with thousands of dollars; host them in luxury hotels; provide food, medical care, and “free” school; or give them preferential treatment in the hiring process because they come without the tax burdens of social security and unemployment.

And how do I know that? Well here’s this, from another outlet, reporting on the “agreement” news:

News of the agreement comes after Panama’s new President Jose Raul Mulino vowed on Monday that the Central American nation would no longer be a country of transit for migrants.

‘I will not allow Panama to be a path open to thousands of people who enter our country illegally supported by an entire international organization related to drug and human trafficking,’ Mulino said at his swearing-in ceremony.

‘Panama will no longer be a transit country for illegals,’ he said amid cheers from those present.

‘The numbers of illegal immigrants passing through the Darién are shocking,’ Mulino said, adding that he intends to ‘appeal to international solidarity regarding the cause that generates the problem and will seek solutions with the countries involved, especially with the United States, which is the final destination of such immigrants.’

Like Mulino said, the United States is the “final destination” for these migrants; Panama is just a thoroughfare. Offended that Biden is using your money to pay for flights to ship them straight in so that they don’t have to deal with the hassle of walking, swimming, or wading across the southern border? Well, now he’s using your dollars to set up de facto processing centers around the world, expediting our collapse.

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