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Monday, July 15, 2024

HHS whistleblower speaks to congress ‘roundtable’ on Biden-complicit child-trafficking industry

 From a lengthy report by Charlotte Hazard and John Solomon published last week at Just the News comes even more proof that Joe Biden’s federal government continues to aid and abet the child trafficking industry with his elimination of the southern border, the free-for-all welcome invite he extended to violent criminal gangs from every dark corner of the world, and the way he and his cronies conduct political business.

And, when you consider how Biden himself interacts with young children (and what his own daughter accused him of), it makes sense that the sexual exploitation of these precious souls is not even remotely a concern—like at all.

Hazard and Solomon provide a detailed background, but for the sake of space, I’ll shorten it here: Whistleblower Deborah White was a General Service Administration employee on loan to Office of Refugee Resettlement, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, when she discovered that the government process to place “unaccompanied minors” with guardians and custodians in the U.S. was facilitating the growth of a massive child trafficking network, as it emphasized “speed” over the “safety” and well-being of the children. (Or the most likely, in my humble opinion, is that this is intentional.)

Here’s more, from Hazard and Solomon:

When she [White] got to Pomona, Calif., to help process children and begin to do wellness checks, however, she became horrified by what she witnessed.

Children related to her how they were raped or forced into labor while in the custody of drug cartels that transported them from their parents’ homes to the U.S. in hopes of taking advantage of Biden’s new immigration policies.

White said she quickly discovered some of the children were likely being placed into a potential trafficking ring when she ran a background check and found out some of the adult sponsors were actually migrant children themselves who had just turned 18 or 19. When she went to a supervisor to report the possible trafficking ties, her access to the background databases was shut off.

‘It’s disgusting. Honestly, if I didn’t live it, I would have a hard time believing it because it’s so egregious,” White told Just the News. ‘If I didn't live this experience, I understand why people think you know that we’re crazy people or something. But we’re not, this is the reality.’

The report also includes information from another whistleblower, Tara Rodas, who revealed that MS-13 gang members were also in the business of “sponsoring” children; when Rodas brought what she’d discovered to her higher-ups, she faced retaliatory consequences:

‘It’s important to note that when I reported the MS-13 case and provided evidence that other MS-13 and 18th Street gang members were sponsoring children, ORR retaliated against me,’ she said. 

MS-13 thugs have been in the news again recently; the ones who formed “hunting parties” along the East Coast to kill random civilians in a bid to boost their social status within the gang and hacked two teenage girls to death with machetes in a New York neighborhood recently plead guilty for their role in a number of gruesome and disturbing murders.

This is what Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson had to say:

‘This isn’t willful ignorance. It’s not willful negligence… This is malevolent to allow children, knowing full well, the children have been sold [and] that people’s eyes and organs are being harvested and that boys and girls are going to be raped and mutilated.’

Johnson is exactly right.

What kind of monsters would be so unconcerned with political decisions when the consequences lead to raped and trafficked children?

What kind of monsters would promote circumstances which would see precious children handed off to violent and sadistic demons?

Oh that’s right, the progressive Democrats and their useful idiot voters. (If you didn’t know, the U.S. holds the title as the number one producer, and consumer, of child pornography.)

This of course shouldn’t be a partisan issue—but we’ve got a large swathe of people in this country who are either openly abusing and sexualizing children with impunity or promoting it, so it’s not surprising that you don’t hear so much as a peep from the left. Wouldn’t want to be inhumane and cruel by closing that border now would we?!

For the full video, see below:

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