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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ingraham: How Was Someone Able To Crawl On A Roof With A Rifle That Was In Reach Of Trump?

 FOX News host Laura Ingraham questioned how the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump was able to play out.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: The threat level in this country has never been this high since 9-11, maybe ever. And then we get to the issue of immigration, unvetted, almost 11 million, illegal immigrants, 180 countries, some of our top geopolitical foes, some with countries from terror ties. I mean, it's crazy.

I want to get your reaction to all of it.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I think you touched on something so important about the Secret Service and the wonderful work that they obviously do. You saw them spring into action.

At the same time, we do have to ensure that conspiracy theories don't run wild here. They're not helpful. And the only way to put down conspiracy theories and to let people, you know, let go of them is for the truth to come out.

And there will be, I hope, a very, very thorough investigation as to how one individual, is it just one, I don't know if we've established that, was able to crawl onto a roof in a distance that is reachable by, it looks like, a high-powered rifle to the former president of the United States. In this day and age, with what's going on, again, the rhetoric, I mean, no one wants to cast aspersions on anyone tonight, I understand that. But we had the president, you know, portrayed as Adolf Hitler in the New Republic on July 7th.

We had Joe Biden call him a rapist last night. We've had people say the most horrific things. This man has sacrificed economically, his family, I'm sure at some point it has to get to you as a person, and now almost losing his life because he wants to help this country.

And people say, why do people like Trump so much? Why are his supporters, why are they so loyal to Trump? You know why? Because of what we saw today. Because he got up after getting hit by a bullet or something, and he said, I'm here basically fighting for you, and fight on. And we don't have enough people like that in this country in politics.

And J.D. Vance tonight was exactly right in his statement, that we need a full accounting of what happened, and we also need to remember that this man has been through hell and back for the crime of wanting to improve life for every American of every walk of life, from every political background, ethnic, racial background. That's what Trump gets up every morning interested in doing. And for that, he almost lost his life tonight.

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